Message From the Department Head

With every new communication tool and technology that comes into our lives, society’s perception of itself and of the world changes.All systems and tools that contribute to human life including the press, telegraphs, newspapers, radio, television, computer, the internet, and interactive media also bring about innovations for people and society. Systems and tools with economic, political, sociological and psychological effects on society are progressing in parallel with the development of humanity. The increasing importance of the field of New Media and Communication in our century in which technology has developed very rapidly gave rise to the need for trained individuals in this field.In this context, the field of New Media and Communication promises a wide range of business opportunities for young people as one of the prominent areas of today and the future.

The Department of New Media and Communication aims to raise individuals with critical and esthetic values, equipped with theoretical and applied knowledge who can use the new communication tools within the framework of ethical values, follow the latest technological innovations, integrate the innovations presented by technology with digital media and social networks, create content for these networks and manage the created content. For this purpose, the Department of New Media and Communication aims to walk towards success with its experienced and distinguished academic staff in order to raise qualified experts who can use mass media effectively and efficiently, find employment among a wide range of opportunities and meet the expectations of the field of social media.

The Department of New Media and Communication, which is a popular department today that combines technology and communication, aims to educate individuals who will become contemporary, global citizens based on the principle of lifelong learning, with its extensive and influential academic staff.

Prof. Dr. Öykü Ezgi Yıldız
Department Head - Department of New Media and Communication 

Last Update Date: Tue, 02/21/2023 - 17:26